The Holy Spirit has never been stronger in Corina. She entered The Bridge for a second time this January and is as inspired to make a difference in the lives of others for Jesus. During a recent visit, she shared her testimony and we are so happy to share it with our supporters here.
Born and raised in Salinas, she is quick to admit she made some bad choices as a young woman. Corina became involved with a known Norteño gang leader. Her relationship introduced her to a life of abuse, alcohol, drugs and organized crime. The bad decisions got worse and ultimately resulted in physical and emotional violence but she couldn't tolerate any more.
In 2022, she was lucky enough to escape her husband and quickly found herself living in her car with her two young daughters, Victoria (8) & Gabby (7). Her addictions followed her and ultimately, she needed help. Her kids were put in the care of family and she ended up in the hospital due to her drug addiction. She was referred to The Bridge by Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. After several attempts before she was ready, Corina enrolled in 2023. She struggled and ultimately, left the program. According to Program Manager, Michele Casey, "Corina wanted to make a change, but not bad enough. In the world of addiction, it means people aren't done and they're not ready."
2023 is remembered as a dark point in her life, living "one tent to the next," as Corina describes it. She shares in her testimony that she had not fully committed to a life with God and fell harder than at any point in her life. At the end of 2023, she was saved by Jesus as a witness to a near death experience of a close friend overdosing from opioids. She saved her friend's life with narcan, and committed then and there to change. What she experienced only God could communicate. She looked at several options with sincere commitment to change her life. She was convinced no other program was as effective as The Bridge. Thanks to prayer and humility, she was admitted back into the women's program in January of this year.
Now 6 months clean, she is committed to set an example for herself and those around her as a woman of faith. When asked about Corina's reentry in January, Michele Casey shares, "Corina was much more prepared to lead a sober life. She was ready to be fully in and not on the fence."
"Vanessa is my role model. She has taught me to be honest with myself and honest with God," Corina shares. She attributes much of her success in the program to having close mentorship from program graduate, Vanessa Kava. "I have overcome (my addiction) thanks to The Bridge and am now more involved in my faith. I am making better choices than I ever have in my entire life," she continues.
Corina's future looks really bright. She is excelling in her vocational training and already making plans to transition into a space where she can perform mentorship and social work for teens and young mothers. "The Bridge has inspired me to inspire others so they won't choose the path that I did," shares Corina. She quickly admits that the Lord has been very good to her. She knows that in all seasons there are blessings. Corina is living proof that a new beginning can happen today with the power of Jesus.